Comic style Binoculars mod with oversized blinking eyeballs

(Grimmy_EFG) #21

Here’s a mirror:

Raybinoculars @

(g-ram) #22

thanks darkfrost and nullskillz

(Darkfrost) #23

Ah, sweet, thanks :slight_smile:

(RayBan) #24

ahhh, thanks. that pic is hilarious.

(TNR360) #25

Water gun for flamer

tenis balls for grenade

dart gun for rifles

and finally balloon sword for knife

(grizzlybear) #26

a flag that rolls outta the pistol barrel with BANG on it :slight_smile:

shatchel charge = jack-in-a-box

tank = clown car that the doors fall off

beach ball grenades

(nUllSkillZ) #27

Ideas should be posted in a seperate request or ideas thread (there are already some ideas threads).

Snowballgrenades are included in one of the xmas mods.

(system) #28


dude, this is way to funny :evil:

I would love to see the faces of our players if they see those eyes.
I am really thinking of doin’ that tonight :stuck_out_tongue:
Just a few hours and then remove the pk3. Just for fun.

(RayBan) #29

thanks for all the comments. im going to do an update on them in a day or
so, something i should have done is have bloodshot eyes.

(zivs) #30

OMFG laughed so hard and loud at office when saw the pic with binoculars from bushes :smiley:
Great mod tbh :smiley: Must be implemented in ETPro! :smiley:

(Malicious Mushroom) #31

well i will throw in my 2 cents on mods… on my server we have pepperoni pizza for health packs and mugs of beer for ammo. I believe that soon we are going to implement a pony keg for dyno and a keg tap for the pliers. (not sure about the tap)

(RayBan) #32

A long time ago… now at least, i was MadMaximus… and I was the one who made those flowermines… =)

(Indloon) #33

Ah RayBan alive!

We need your humor back here!: D

(acQu) #34

That binocs were actually a hell of a fun on that one server where i saw them the first time. I even took screenshots of them lol ^^

(Mateos) #35

It goes well with Comic Bomb :wink:

(XaNaX) #36

how do i add these in server? just add the pk3 in et main and they will download it when they log to server?

(stealth6) #37

Add it to your mod folder. If you are running jaymod put it in the jaymod folder, etc.

(XaNaX) #38

all them links are broken

(stealth6) #39

Maybe this one:

(Smurfer) #40

Who made the Comic Bombs?