Here’s a mirror:
Comic style Binoculars mod with oversized blinking eyeballs
Water gun for flamer
tenis balls for grenade
dart gun for rifles
and finally balloon sword for knife
a flag that rolls outta the pistol barrel with BANG on it
shatchel charge = jack-in-a-box
tank = clown car that the doors fall off
beach ball grenades
Ideas should be posted in a seperate request or ideas thread (there are already some ideas threads).
Snowballgrenades are included in one of the xmas mods.
dude, this is way to funny :evil:
I would love to see the faces of our players if they see those eyes.
I am really thinking of doin’ that tonight
Just a few hours and then remove the pk3. Just for fun.
thanks for all the comments. im going to do an update on them in a day or
so, something i should have done is have bloodshot eyes.
OMFG laughed so hard and loud at office when saw the pic with binoculars from bushes
Great mod tbh Must be implemented in ETPro!
well i will throw in my 2 cents on mods… on my server we have pepperoni pizza for health packs and mugs of beer for ammo. I believe that soon we are going to implement a pony keg for dyno and a keg tap for the pliers. (not sure about the tap)
A long time ago… now at least, i was MadMaximus… and I was the one who made those flowermines… =)
That binocs were actually a hell of a fun on that one server where i saw them the first time. I even took screenshots of them lol ^^
how do i add these in server? just add the pk3 in et main and they will download it when they log to server?
Add it to your mod folder. If you are running jaymod put it in the jaymod folder, etc.