Closed Beta Update

(Seanza) #21

Part of the shaping. Play-Doh’s creators have decided how they want it to look when you take it out of the tub, what you do with it after that is up to you. Just don’t choke on it.

(.FROST.) #22

I think what we are doing here is the exact same thing that those food(or other grocery stuff)-testers do. Sometimes those products also features tag-lines like; “tested by housewifes”, or dentists, or bla, bla, bla, but that doesn’t mean the individual testers directly influenced an upcoming product. They got the “alpha-product/prototype”, ate it, said it tastes like crap, or molto delicous, and that’s it. They writte their opinion on a sheetof paper and then they are done. Then the Company will analyse all that info they’ve gathered in this way. But after all, even that’s no guarantee for a major success, or that all the previous testers will like it in it’s post release form.

(Ruben0s) #23

How long is the closed beta going to be? I mean a lot of features still have to be built in the game, right? VOIP, moba style gameplay things, some good maps, spectator stuff, custom content and all that other shizzle.

(potty200) #24

Few questions I have for you guys!

Do you guys plan on releasing any BIG updates before BETA goes live?

How many more patches are you planning before the BETA?

Have you got a vision of how far you want extracion to be come the launch of beta?

Is this the first move you guys are being forced into by nexon? (Forced maybe a strong word, but are tehy playing a part in it?)

Are we going to see big changes in BETA like we have in the alpha?

(Ruben0s) #25

I guess they were not “forced” by nexon, because the date of the beta was already on the russian db page for a few months.

(rookie1) #26

I really think Alpha is not ready for Closed Beta …imo

(DarkangelUK) #27

Maybe they should go with a statement that sounds like it gives less control, something like ‘Influenced by gamers’

(Volcano) #28

its not ready for beta yet, it needs many more patches, gameplay and map changes

(Ruben0s) #29

I got the feeling that xT is not going to be a game for me


(stealth6) #30

It’s the “Captures the Magic of ET” all over again :smiley: at least your head’s not on the line this time! :tongue:

(badman) #31

This is going to be one of those general replies that Seanza loves… :slight_smile:

We’ve said this a few times in the past – Extraction is not a product that’s going to go on a disc and ‘ship’. Instead, it’s very much an on-going service and, unlike our past games, Extraction will continue to evolve and change.

In other words, the big changes are not going to stop happening just because we’re moving into the Closed Beta phase. Sure, some things are going to get locked down as we get closer to launch (for example, the general direction of each of the Mercs so we don’t double up on them), but we will not stop doing substantial updates just because the game is out of alpha.

More updates, both humongous and small, will be coming your way throughout the rest of the alpha, the Closed Beta, the Open Beta, and well beyond launch.

(badman) #32

Some answers:

[QUOTE=Aseph;470677]hopefully you guys maintain control over the game and content. sometimes these publishers get crazy with the cash items, crazy clown outfits, overpowered weapons etc…

other than that, hope everything works well, being on nexon will bring a huge player community.[/QUOTE]
Nexon know that going down the pay 2 win route with this one would sink it pretty fast, and we’ll continue to have creative control.

[QUOTE=Seanza;470678]Wow, so soon?

I think the game is pretty far from beta stage right now, so I hope there are some major bug fixes between now and then. I’m talking about all the map bugs, weapon bugs, spectator bugs (you can see your opponent when you’re gibbed!!!).

When we move over to Nexon’s platform, will we have the same sort of servers available and will those of us who have admin still have admin on those servers?

What would happen if Nexon were to abandon ship, how would you control testing? I realise this may be unlikely, but I’m keen to know what the contingency plan is.

Do I need to create a Nexon America account right now before you can migrate it over, or will I be given a Nexon account when my Warchest account migrates?[/QUOTE]

Fixes big and small will continue to happen, and we’ll also keep slotting in modules like the front-end, store, progression etc. Not all of these are going to come at the same time, but they will keep on happening.

[QUOTE=Seanza;470695]I have another question!

What is the likelihood of you guys still having your own test realm on MPUK servers (like you have now) for other tests before they go live on Nexon’s platform?[/QUOTE]

A test realm is sensible and I know we’re planning to have test shards for the live release, but I don’t know what shape they’ll take. Designery/Production people are in a better place to answer this one.

Once the Beta is live, the Alpha will end. Exact timing tbd.

The Closed Beta will have dedicated forums on Nexon’s site (to tie it in with the Nexon game accounts). The VIP forum will continue to live here as that’s an SD thing and not tied specifically to Extraction.

This ultimately depends on progress - we don’t like putting drop-dead dates on these things (the Closed Alpha has run quite a bit longer than we originally estimated, for example).

We haven’t seen the last of the Alpha updates, and changes will keep happening throughout the beta.

(rookie1) #33

some how remind me of not too long ago Activision Saga …

(DarkangelUK) #34

I’m assuming we’ll still have the forums here so we can whine like the little bitches that we are.

(badman) #35

Moving this to the General Discussion forum.

(iwound) #36

Will the closed beta have fully implemented spawn waves?

(Rex) #37

We’ve said this a few times in the past – Extraction is not a product that’s going to go on a disc and ‘ship’. Instead, it’s very much an on-going service and, unlike our past games, Extraction will continue to evolve and change.

In other words, the big changes are not going to stop happening just because we’re moving into the Closed Beta phase. Sure, some things are going to get locked down as we get closer to launch (for example, the general direction of each of the Mercs so we don’t double up on them), but we will not stop doing substantial updates just because the game is out of alpha.

More updates, both humongous and small, will be coming your way throughout the rest of the alpha, the Closed Beta, the Open Beta, and well beyond launch.[/QUOTE]

badman is right. I mean what does change except more players coming into the “alpha”?

(k0k0nat) #38

Hmm got twisted opinion about this.

I think the game is pretty far from beta stage right now, so I hope there are some major bug fixes between now and then.

Have to agree here. But there is a difference between “beta” and “beta”. I think alpha/beta stages of this game really mean something and its a big fault to expect “BF 4 Beta like” gameplay.

badman is right. I mean what does change except more players coming into the “alpha”?

Have to agree here aswell.

I just hope that this does not mean that there is some kind of pressure. Lets hope that all the new players give you guys some very good feedback and you take all the time you need.

(attack) #39

i think its too early

(FireWater) #40

How would you know it was ready?