Clans vs Server the debacle

(Amerika) #21

I would be perfectly fine with the Qlive setup. It works pretty well. The only downside is it’s tied to a player so there won’t be a constantly online community server. But we are in an era where companies want to control everything because any content created by players might not directly profit the company and might even compete in some cases. It sucks but it is what it is.

(Ads913) #22

I thought someone from SD would have maybe replied.

(Nail) #23

and say what ? “Maybe” that ain’t gonna work

(Ads913) #24

Yeah its really important that they clear this up,especailly after another weekend of hackers

(hellreturn) #25

That’s not true most of the time. Any content created by users actually promote the game and game itself and nothing else. Prime example: ETPRO, NQ, Jaymod, silEnT, nitmod, etc etc mods provided better game play in ET. Same in COD4 and other games.

Looks like BO3 is now going to have dedicated servers while they learned from the lesson that no one buys their new games all the time and people still buy COD4 and mostly because of clans / communities playing together.

Reason multiplayers are played on daily basis is because:

  1. You can make new friends and talk with them.
  2. You can play in same fire team or team.
  3. Clan mates play together and enjoy the game.
  4. With SDK community adds more value to the game. Look at W:ET. Even after a decade people still play it.
  5. Different kind of servers, different settings, etc. More varieties and new things.

Rather then making it free 2 play model, they should add new version or features to the game every year or so and then ask players to pay xx amount. It would generate continuous revenue and at same time would keep game popular.

You kill the communication, fun and divide friends then you are just making it online single player version. Wouldn’t last much long.

(BioSnark) #26

Splash Damage have said they really want an SDK. It’s up to them and Nexon to sort this out and follow through or not because neither ranked nor f2p necessarily excludes either custom content or player servers… at least they don’t for other people who’ve tried.

(fishbone_) #27

You can have SDK and still earn money. The concept is this one :

  • A player or a bunch of players make maps/mods/whatever, and the submit this to a store where others players can buy their creation. If a player buys your stuff, you split the money between the devs/publisher and the author. Everyone is happy and we have a good game.
    And for the server rental, I think the Qlive model is really fine. The tweaking needs to be a more important though (to my point of view) where you can add stuff like maps/mods/whatever according to what you have created or bought.

I completely agree with hellreturn vision of “Reason multiplayers are played on daily basis”. And I would like to suggest something else : an IRC-like in-game chat, where you can have channels for teams/cups/pugs/clan wars/blabla… We already have this for quake and worked for almost 15 years (based on the actual IRC). This feature can bring together new players, veteran, and bridge the gap between competitive scene and casual gaming in a single platform. It a huge thing (on the paper) but I guess that’s a cool idea. And this is one of the reasons why SC2 have “failed” to stay at the top of the e-sport (here is an interesting article about this - unfortunately in French :

With those 2 ideas, you can check every single items on your list hellreturn. :wink:

(Ads913) #28

Qlive style servers, sorry that does not work for me. along with playing money for community map making ugh shudder the thought. Its simple dedicated servers ranked and with some general Auth powers.otherwise you cannot do community stuff .They should coexist along with the virtual servers that are used currently.

(jazevec) #29

Lack of dedicated servers doesn’t just hurt clans. It makes server browser all but pointless!

What’s the point of server browser if all you can choose from is EU Objective 1, EU Objective 2, EU Objective 3, EU Objective 4… and so on ? These are faceless, factory-made servers with no community, no name and no identity. I also miss colorful player names, I now have problems remembering players I played with.

(Ads913) #30

[QUOTE=jazevec;532056]Lack of dedicated servers doesn’t just hurt clans. It makes server browser all but pointless!

What’s the point of server browser if all you can choose from is EU Objective 1, EU Objective 2, EU Objective 3, EU Objective 4… and so on ? These are faceless, factory-made servers with no community, no name and no identity. I also miss colorful player names, I now have problems remembering players I played with.[/QUOTE]

agree quite souless at the moment even a favourite option is pretty pointless.

(Ads913) #31

Wonder nearly a year on if we have any new news.

(phila_delphia) #32

Right after creating an acccount over at nexons DB site i asked about dedicated servers…

All we got was marketing blabla “Oh this is so important…”

And finally the thread was locked with the hint to the priate Matches…

Seems SD sold their souls to… nexon.

Best regards


P.S.: I tried to restart the discussion over there again:

(neg0ne) #33

well, as it is F2P and Nexon has it in their Backpocket many thing that might be useful or even nessecsry wont come.
… the least thing they must provide is rented servers where you can train, scrim and make a decent amout of adjusments and stuff like this.

(nokiII) #34

Yeah, I don’t get why it is so hard to provide rented servers like battlefield. You don’t get server binaries there either, but you get full control on “User settings” like player count, passwords, banned weapons, game modes, map rotation. It’s a good way to provide community servers without giving up control over your microtransactions.

(FireWorks) #35

It is coming. Confirmed. Just a matter of time (which is frustratingly long).
However, judging from the statements and past dev durations, Id expect to see it either this may or june.

(phila_delphia) #36

[QUOTE=FireWorks;552706]It is coming. Confirmed. Just a matter of time (which is frustratingly long).
However, judging from the statements and past dev durations, Id expect to see it either this may or june.[/QUOTE]

I´d like ot belive this. Perhaps those servers will make it in game some-days-to-come, but according to thils post I do not expect them to arrive all to soon.

Best regards


(Loki.) #37

I doubt you’ll see Server Rentals.
Player base is too small.
One could say, the two are linked…
No server Rentals ( or, no community) = Small Player base…
Its a moot point really, even if they provided them tomorrow, too many new games have come out, players have moved on…

(matsy) #38

With a market that is already saturated (and a bit one to be released soon), Splash Damage should really be concentrating on things that have worked so well for them in the past, and learning from past experiences of not just themselves but other companies failures too!

Everyone knows that the strong modding community is what made Enemy Territory what it was, it didn’t happen overnight, but the community was able to mould it into something special. Although technology, and complexity of making games has moved on tenfold, new game developers have to start some where and I remember a number of high quality maps in Enemy Territory Quake Wars. Although not to the same scale of Enemy Territory.

Not on the same level, but as big fan of the FEAR series I was bitterly disappointed when FEAR 2 was released without dedicated servers which killed the online community almost immediately. Exedore had recently linked to an article of a review of 2015, it had a heading of “A Safe & Secure Home”. For me that headline shouldn’t be about investing in stopping cheaters (although this is good news), but about empowering the community to find some where in Dirty Bomb where they can find just that.