Clans & Tournaments Arrive in Brink

(SinDonor) #21

Ha, no you us not on for tonight. :wink:

Ematic said heā€™d contact us here on the SD forums to setup a match. Problem is that Neph is busy tonight, Dark might be working, and I am playing hockey from 5pm-8pm PST. So we might have to delay until tomorrow (Sunday).

(iezza) #22

I applied RIF , can you accept seeing your officer?

(wolfnemesis75) #23

[QUOTE=SinDonor;387226]Ha, no you us not on for tonight. :wink:

Ematic said heā€™d contact us here on the SD forums to setup a match. Problem is that Neph is busy tonight, Dark might be working, and I am playing hockey from 5pm-8pm PST. So we might have to delay until tomorrow (Sunday).[/QUOTE]

Ok. Whatever works. I out. :wink:

(wolfnemesis75) #24

Looks like youā€™re already in. Sin mustā€™ve.

(matsy) #25

Little too late, should of sat on this tech till your next game. Going to look rubbish with no clans actually using it.

(wolfnemesis75) #26

ā€¦ weā€™ve already gotten a few challenges. But its too early, still sending out Clan invites and the word. Give it some time!

(Zekariah) #27

Yeah, RiF is sitting and waiting for challenges to come our way and/ our challenges to be accepted.

But an issue I wanted to raise is the rankings. So far only two Leaderboard challenges have been played, taking Acid Rain to No.1 position, and putting The Lost Ark at the very bottom in 77th positionā€¦so far. I think The Lost Ark should be in 2nd place. I realised they lost, but at least they have PARTICIPATED in the whole clan scene. An unproven clan SHOULD NOT be in a higher ranking than one who has played the game, regardless as to how genuine the challenges were.

Now I know it is due to clans starting with 1500 points, but I reckon the 1500 points should be given AFTER the first challenge played, and subtract and add from there.

Iā€™m sure a lot of clan members couldnā€™t give a ratā€™s *** about this gripe, but there are too many no-name clans that will sit at the middle of the boards because they havenā€™t played a single challenge.

(Smooth) #28

Clans will become inactive and removed from the leaderboard if they donā€™t play any games, although Iā€™m not sure how long this takes.

(wolfnemesis75) #29

Thatā€™s true Zek. I agree. Somehow, at least posting a match should give more points than not playing a match at all.

(Darksider) #30

Whats annoying already about the Clan update? well for PC we have a bunch of clans created yet no one setting up matches to get the ball rollingā€¦

(zenstar) #31

People are dropping off just as quickly as last time on PC. Maybe itā€™ll stabalise with a core community this time, but itā€™s not looking good for PC.

(Ruben0s) #32

Yesterday the playerpeak was 2097 today it is around 1500.

(^ResistanceElite^) #33

My clan now Has 6 members! Go on the official brink site (try googling brink site) create a ps3 account and join the Darkclaw Brotherhood today! all requests are guarranteed to be accepted

(Zekariah) #34

Thanks Smooth, thatā€™ll probably be enough to discourage pointless clans. But that also makes it difficult for actual clans who donā€™t get challenges accepted. We have been finding that a problem lately.

(matsy) #35

Surprised SD hasnā€™t made an official news post about the ā€˜Holiday 3v3 Ladderā€™, could get some people involved as it doesnā€™t exactly stand out where it is on the stats site.

(Ruben0s) #36

Does the clans and tournament thing already work? Because itā€™s one week online and so far only 5 matches have been played across all the platforms.

(matsy) #37

I think the tournament thing works but there are no clans to play itā€¦

(Ruben0s) #38

And I wonder why. Steam stats are dramatic again. Three days ago (first day after free weekend) there used to be 2096 people online during peak hours. Yesterday the peak was 1040 and today the peak is around 800. I can only count 182 people in a server, which means around 618 people are playing offline, thats around 77%.

Not to mention the activity on the clans & tournament site. 414 teams registered and they managed to do 5 matches in the past week, 4 of them are played on the first day the clans & tournament thing got released.

The new splashdamage target audience is like awesome. The majority pays 50 euro for a game and never touch it again after a month. From whats left of the players 77% plays the game offline. The other 23% barely plays with a real team against a real team.

(LightningV) #39

Well I guess the only thing to do is keep recruiting, spread the word again about Brink, keep participating in challenges and post your clan and time zone in this section of Brinks Clan & Competition page.

(wolfnemesis75) #40

[QUOTE=LightningV;387957]Well I guess the only thing to do is keep recruiting, spread the word again about Brink, keep participating in challenges and post your clan and time zone in this section of Brinks Clan & Competition page.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, we were discussing the time zone question last night. We are gonna try and do our first Clan battle on Friday.