Changes to Anti-Hack Policies – Zero Tolerance

(Glot) #121

you, cheeky scoundrel!!

(angelicPigeon) #122

I think naming the BANNED hackers is great for the community. Now we have the crap Xigncode that bans for stuff not even related to hacking, but in theory it gives the community a sense of closure and that something is happening if you post Banlists.
Survarium (another f2p fps) is doing it:

Ofc you should make sure the ban is for an actual hack and not a program like process hacker before naming them, but other than that keeping the names of banned players hidden serves no one in the end, except maybe the hackers. You dont need to include the name of the 3rd party application.
In similar discussions before someone made the argument that if the names get posted the hackers will now that their cheats are detected and update them, which is kind of moot i would say since the hacking players will note that they are banned and can tell developers anyway.

Pls note that im not asking for Naming and shaming to be allowed by players, this should be a list posted by admin/dev without possibility to comment on after a person has been found hacking. The possibility of a false positive making it through is well worth the risk(Ofc mods/dev should post an official “clear the name” post if its false positive) of giving the community a proper way of seeing that hacking is actually being handled.

That said i havent met (m)any hackers yet, i only manage to play a couple of hrs every day so i just reached lvl 8, but is doing well. Sometimes i meet people that are suspicious when it comes to awareness but nothing supernatural or obvious like aimbotting etc.

(spookify) #123

Get their IP and List their real name or parents name! Then send them a letter sueing their asses…

(subtleDoll) #124

I know that the naming is not allowed, but I’ve just seeing a hacker named … HACKER. This guy doesn’t want to hide.

(Nail) #125

I’m starting to have zero tolerance for xignpoop, useless is a very polite word for it, between stopping 25% of players joining, it hasn’t caught a hacker yet, they’ve all been player reported, turn the freakin thing off, that’ll solve half it’s problems, still won’t catch hackers, but won’t block all the legit players, smarten up

btw, it’ll do wonders for the company’s rep (which sucks atm)

(MissMurder) #126

Stay frosty @Nail :slight_smile:

(Kroad) #127

well, it caught milky
although, you know, only a 2 day ban, but did catch him faster than VAC

(keenGasoline) #128

@MissMurder I got permanently ban because i forgot to turn off the enb Injector which i use in fallout new vegas mods can’t you do something about it?

(Ghosthree3) #129

[quote=“Kroad;36472”]well, it caught milky
although, you know, only a 2 day ban, but did catch him faster than VAC[/quote]
Because VAC works in waves.

(elfishPentacle) #130

In every Nexon game I’ve ever played, I’ve yet to seen the actual hackers/cheaters get banned. I still remember one time where a few thousand people were banned. All the people famous for cheating/hacking? Untouched. Very few pay players were touched even if they admitted to cheating and there was video proof of them doing it.

(I know there is a policy in most game companies where pay players have a certain level of protection against bans and suspensions, so I can’t help but wonder if Nexon NA has the same policy).

On the other hand, I saw people I interacted with often who I knew had never cheated (at the time) get banned.

I had one case where someone took one of my computers and got onto my account and stole a bunch of stuff (a few hundred USD worth) on top of doing some other stuff. The person was never banned. No police report either. Though that goes into the realm of support tickets so I won’t say anything past that.

I would LOVE to see some notice about who was banned and some sort of reasoning (Confirmed, probable, possible). Obviously, only confirmed without a doubt should be shown, but it would do some people’s minds good to know that something is actually being done and not just lip service.

(Ghosthree3) #131

Well we know for sure of at least one person who has been banned. But I’m pretty sure they’re banning a lot of people.

(modifiedreal) #132

Is there any way to report people using foreign characters for their ign? Or a way to get their actual name instead of just seeing the squares?

(Ghosthree3) #133

It doesn’t really matter if the name is hidden, you just have to submit the report saying what server and at what time the hacking occurred, hint at the name if you can.

(modifiedreal) #134

In competitive, how can you easily find what server it is?

(Ghosthree3) #135

Mmm, hadn’t thought about that. I guess you could try giving your name and the time? Hopefully they can figure out which it was. So far I’ve only had to report casual server cheaters.

(DimMaK) #136

The anti-cheat is useless atm. This game will die a quick death if someone doesn’t step up the programming. I was penalized for 24 hours for leaving a match making game that had a hacker. It’s complete bullshit that I have to suffer for that.

(Dwu) #137

[quote=“Nail;34245”]I’m starting to have zero tolerance for xignpoop, useless is a very polite word for it, between stopping 25% of players joining, it hasn’t caught a hacker yet, they’ve all been player reported, turn the freakin thing off, that’ll solve half it’s problems, still won’t catch hackers, but won’t block all the legit players, smarten up

btw, it’ll do wonders for the company’s rep (which sucks atm)[/quote]

Maybe we could actually run the game on linux as well, since I’m pretty sure the biggest problem in supporting linux would be xignshite not supporting it.
Just get VAC support from Valve, its far from perfect but still your best bet.

Hacking is currently totally out of hand and renders matchmaking a very unpleasant experience when theres a guy running ragemode hacks 1 out of 3 games.
As a temporary solution you could write a piece of code that disconnects you from the server for viewangle snaps. Most of the aimbots are poorly coded and simply write new viewangle values over the old ones, which should by all means be very easy to detect.

(Ghosthree3) #138

Sure, yeah, that’d be the biggest problem.

Also what does linux have to do with anti cheat.

(Dwu) #139

Sure, yeah, that’d be the biggest problem.

Also what does linux have to do with anti cheat.[/quote]

Xigncode doesnt support linux, the engine itself does. If theres no xigncode, there would be less obstacles towards playing on linux, actually you could run the game thru WINE if it wasn’t for xigncode which simply can’t work on WINE due to the rootkit behaviour. Savvy?

Meanwhile, VAC supports linux releases of many games out there. So what does linux support not have to do with shite anticheat currently being used ?

(keenGasoline) #140

its not only just ordinary 2 days banned it was permanent banned i never thought that using ENB injector in FNV is really very grave offense to them.