Casual Matchmaking Test - Feedback/Bug Megathread

(Xenithos) #21

Sadly I can’t test this now, but I didn’t realize that small thing is what changed it now. Thanks for the help Dox! :3

(SiegeFace) #22

Will the final product match groups? Otherwise it will feel like a meat grinder every match. [/quote]

This, I feel solo queing in CMM is going to be a pain, there will still be server browser but I would hope for a solo que mode.

(Chris Mullins) #23

Thanks for your post. You can change the Region but hitting the yellow ‘Change’ button just above those options and next to ‘Match Settings’. It could probably be displayed clearer though.

Edit: Just saw @Dox had replied to you on this.

(NightfIy) #24

Also posted on Reddit:

All round had a good time last night during the CMM test and by the end of it was hoping it would even get extended. Other than the usual gripe of leavers and people disconnecting, which is to be expected in any online game, the majority of games had were balanced with everyone playing the objective. I had queued as a 3-man originally with another friend joining later and then adding another randomer we met through the games of the evening and at most, we only waited a couple of minutes for a game. I’m a level 72 and the friends I queued with ranged from level 50 up to level 100

There was an increased amount of communication, be it via text or VOIP, which is rare to see in public EU servers and everyone was playing their roles to the best of their abilities. Games had a good flow but I hope that Stopwatch will be included in the final product as Objective mode is not my choice of game mode in a setting like this. Personally I’d prefer CMM to be Stopwatch only and the server browser to offer Objective mode for the hot-join type of gameplay.

The end of game reports are a great addition and being able to review these later is also a great feature. The one stat I do feel is missing though would be the headshot kills/accuracy. Also, to highlight a “best of” category would be nice and would give an additional incentive for players to perform their best such as Best Medic, Best Assault, Most Ammo Given etc. This could also be converted into a badge to keep track of your previous accolades for those that are interested in this.

All in all it was a good preview of what’s to come and am looking forward to this being implemented.

(BazBling) #25

The test went pretty well for me, when it started i que’d up solo for the first couple of games and when i got into a match it actually felt like i had better performance than usual.
Games were taking around 5 minutes to find but on a couple of occasions it got down to ‘waiting for one more player to accept’ then failed and back to the lobby.

I then invited 3 friends to play to see how it would be for group searching and we didn’t wait too long, i think it was between 4 - 8 minutes maximum and the games we played seemed pretty balanced.

One friend did mention when i invited him he was in another match so he left that match to join us but apparently he could not join us and the only option for him was to rejoin the match he had left.

We played both Execution and Objective matches and had a blast only getting stomped once over the hours and overall we were happy Mercs.

I hope the test has went well and yielded information etc needed to impliment this Casual MatchMaking ASAP :bleep_bloop:

(Mc1412013) #26

@stayfreshshoe can we get some weekend/evening test runs in the us , or even leave the servers up and manualy enter them like you would if u wanted to play ranked. For those of us who have to unfortunately work. Some of us who want to cant give our opinions or try out as the tests are always early in the day during the week while we are at work


I searched three times and everytime everyone connected to the lobby.
The queue time was under 40 seconds.
While the first match went smooth without any issues occuring the other two ended with “Timed out waiting for a match server to be received” despite the game telling that a suitable server has been found and the match is being configured.
A player I asked before I was sent back to the menu had the same issue.

I’m looking forward to the completion of Casual Matchmaking. :slight_smile:

(Chris Mullins) #28

We will extend the test times when we’re happy with how the system is performing. We don’t want to add it as a ‘opt-in’ feature as we cannot guarantee how many players will be using it so queues time wouldn’t be accurate.

(Kudrow) #29

I have a question. Will in future 7vs7 or even 8vs8 be available in CMM?



(Runeforce) #31

This question has already been answered by the community manager, in this thread.