Brink could be saved and more money could be made.

(n0guns) #21

[QUOTE=morguen87;398202]Brink being free wouldn’t make people play it. It’s not as good as games people have already payed for and/or are currently playing.
It’s a neat idea in theory, but people aren’t playing Brink because the price is too high (it’s gotta be basically free by now) or that it lacked publicity…people aren’t playing Brink because it’s not a very good game. Making it free doesn’t change that.[/QUOTE]
like 5 bucks right now

(zenstar) #22

Better off saving those 5 bucks for spending ingame when RAD Soldiers is out. If anyone still played it it would be worth 5 bucks for the fun you get until you move on, but with noone else playing it’s just not worth it.