bridge... whyyyyyyyyyyyy

(titan) #21

Anyone? :stuck_out_tongue:
This map scored second lowest on the recent ‘map preference’ poll ahead of underground which is a real shame because I suspect bridge alt would be number one

(Szakalot) #22

I think underground is a lot of fun except prones to spaminess on unbalanced teams.

(Rémy Cabresin) #23

Bridge is goldrush(with changes for db obviously), bridge alt is the original goldrush from ET, the current bridge is the competitive ‘tournament edition’ goldrush from ET. Maybe at a later stage the bridge alt comes to public play and the current version will only be competitive play.

(titan) #24

I never played ET so maybe you can explain, but surely defenders can never stop the deliver if it’s away from their spawn. Holding the lab is just too hard in db cause once you’re wiped it’s basically impossible to get to the deliver point in time to contest it. How did it work in ET?

(Szakalot) #25

I think here lies the problem with delivery objectives. In each case both the starting spot and the delivery spot are open arenas, with angles from all sides.

There is very little sense of bunkering in as defence, which can be used by the attackers as well to prevent counter-push. Rock in Chapel is definitely bunkered in, but opens up directly on Chapel defence spawn, so only really stays conquered when the defence is screwed anyway by a major spawn camp. Similarly on trainyard, the only real way to push defence of is a spawncamp setup. Dome delivery got a little closer with the pit and sneaky auras under the stairs. Bridge is the closest to a mid-distance map spot that allows for bunkering in, but in the end its a mini open arena with corridors from all sides: where is the bank from goldrush, or controls in 1st obj volcano? seawall battery inside mg angles

They key to such bunkers is their eventual fall due to attrition, small enough to get spammed out. In this sense Bridge succeeds, but as soon as the walls are breached its a merry-go around. Or is the amount of spam in the game too much for any such bunker to work? :stuck_out_tongue:

(Mustang) #26

The problem lies in it’s too damn easy to deliver objectives, Bridge-Alt gives the defenders a second bite of the cherry, it goes from a linear design to a more triangular one.

(prophett) #27

“bridge is goldrush” makes me want to vomit :confused:

(Rémy Cabresin) #28

Well it pretty much is, first area is almost an identical copy from top down, build a tank(ev) drive it down to a barrier, around the corner onto a bridge from where it shoots into the bank(dna facility). In the ‘bridge alt’ version the EV drives further through a set of corners which on the original goldrush the tank also did and drives under the bridge into the bank courtyard and shoots the bank. After which you have to put the gold(dna) in the truck(ev) and drive it to the end. Only thing that’s different in the current bridge version opposed to sw_goldrush_te is that there is no more truck drive at the end. So vomit all you want, but it’s literally a recycled version of goldrush.

Also Terminal is almost identical to Siwa Oasis, blow up a wall first, gas tunnels are the old water pump tunnels, into the last part where you have to blow up two objectives(two anti tank guns in et, and two containers in db)

:stuck_out_tongue: Recycling maps much

(prophett) #29

Objectives might be similar, but the two best parts of the map (tank courtyard and bank courtyard) are nowhere to be seen. The last objective on bridge_alt is also backwards when you compare the two :slight_smile:

(Rémy Cabresin) #30

Wat? Bank courtyard is where the objective secure thing stands, just not as big as goldrush. tank courtyard is the street(in first stage), there is just this green roof thing and some walls now which is open on grush.

The tank on original grush takes the exact same direction of road(turns) that the bridge alt EV does, unless you play with your screen on mirror mode I suppose.

because of the different spawn locations and some new sideroutes/staircases, the courtyards aren’t the main play areas on bridge compared to grush, but the layout of objective routes in top down view is almost identical.

(titan) #31

Just so there’s no confusion the bridge_alt I’m referring to didn’t have extra ev escort parts it just had the final carry obj be taken to a new area on the right instead of towards the attacker spawn. That way defenders could head left at their spawn and fight at the helicopter to stop the deliver, it was really quite nice.
The one where the ev kept driving was wayyy back and probably needed to be cut i remember it being long as hell lol

(Rémy Cabresin) #32

[QUOTE=titan;526144]Just so there’s no confusion the bridge_alt I’m referring to didn’t have extra ev escort parts it just had the final carry obj be taken to a new area on the right instead of towards the attacker spawn. That way defenders could head left at their spawn and fight at the helicopter to stop the deliver, it was really quite nice.
The one where the ev kept driving was wayyy back and probably needed to be cut i remember it being long as hell lol[/QUOTE]

Then im confusing it :stuck_out_tongue: I remember the old bridge version where the EV went all the way around and under the bridge, u secure obj in the EV and drive it around the rest of the map/street. There was a period(nexon launcher days) where I literally couldn’t install the game due to their launcher so this might be the days when the version you speak of was live :stuck_out_tongue: My bad in that case. That new are was it like down the street where the house with the MG nest is?

(titan) #33

Bridge_alt was knocking around maybe 6 months ago? I can’t really remember but there was a tourney at the time, was before steam though. Yea the deliver point was past the mg on a raised helepad and I swear it’s not nostalgia it was actually an awesome obj cause you could take it long round attacker spawn and have a massive firefight tryna deliver it. It was unanimously agreed to be the better version and now it’s gone :frowning:

(Rémy Cabresin) #34

To prove my point btw : xD

redline is the current tank route for bridge and sw_goldrush_te, green line is the old version of bridge and the original goldrush version. Yellow line is the route the EV had to drive in the old version of goldrush and old bridge and still does btw on sw_goldrush_te.

(Rémy Cabresin) #35

Yea I didn’t play around the time of that tourney, I only was able to comeback to DB after the steam release(coming back from early alpha/beta when they had a single exe not a launcher) So wouldnt know that version, but I agree that the defending team has no chance in the current version after the objective is grabbed. Talked about it with some friend and a possible fix would be to move the defending spawn forward so that they can run around the bank quicker to get a shot on the objective or atleast come close to setting up a defense around the objective secure spot.

(matsy) #36

[QUOTE=adeto;526147]To prove my point btw : xD

redline is the current tank route for bridge and sw_goldrush_te, green line is the old version of bridge and the original goldrush version. Yellow line is the route the EV had to drive in the old version of goldrush and old bridge and still does btw on sw_goldrush_te.[/QUOTE]

Just to confirm.

Bridge == sw_goldrush_te
Bridge Alt && ‘old version of bridge’ == Goldrush

I find it interesting that players prefer to play the original goldrush version over the sw. I’m assuming there are more changes than that? I guess it took the players a few years to get use to the map before the sw version was released (sometime during 2005). That said the sw version never really worked on pubs, imo.

And not to be picky but the sw_goldrush_te truck started on the green bit on the bend…

(Szakalot) #37

Would be awesome to have a forward spawn in the garage as defence.

(prophett) #38

[QUOTE=adeto;526147]To prove my point btw : xD

Yes, the main path the EV follows and objectives are similar. The spawns (especially D) and alternate routes (and command post) are much different (not to mention the doc secure area and travel routes in relation to the spawns).

Obviously the classic map does it much better.

Here is a thread I made about it over a year ago. I also mentioned that a secondary objective/route such as a sewer gate/tunnel to gain access to the flank on the first stage would be a good idea.

(prophett) #39

Why are we still playing this ass nugget? First and last stage are painful to plaay.

Where is bridge_alt?..

(titan) #40


where is bridge_alt?..[/quote]

good question!?