Boory's Art Dump

(Your worst knifemare.) #21

Javelin does have that viking thing going for her sooooo…

(Boory Marks) #22

Javelin might have a permanent place in my squad if I like her enough

Coloured version tomorrow*


(Your worst knifemare.) #23

I must axe if you will one day like Javelin as much as Nader.

(Boory Marks) #24

@Lord_Coctus Maybe, maybe.

(Bluesquid0630) #25

I’m actually torn between getting Nader or sparks. Both girls are pretty bae

(Your worst knifemare.) #26


  • Nader:
  1. 5 decent damage grenades
  2. Higher health
  3. Strong weapons
  4. Martydom for those bad days
  5. Good at taking out secondary objectives
  6. Clears camping spots
  7. Mean omlets
  • Sparks:
  1. Quick movement speed
  2. Weapons can protect in case of close range encounters
  3. Can revive at any range
  4. Revivr kills most mercs at headshots
  5. Self survival
  6. Less need for ammo packs.
  7. Best bae
  8. First class insults

(Boory Marks) #27

@Bluesquid0630 I’d say it depends on how much experience you have in the game. Sparks is starting to become my fave medic because her revive rifle can revive at any range, and she can heal herself substantially. However, I’d reccomend her less the less experience you have. Nader was my first merc, she can be easy to play, but as you play, you can land direct hits and spam chokes more effetively.

(Boory Marks) #28

Sorry I haven’t posted in a bit, for once I was actually busy with stuff I need to do rather than being lazy.

I’m working on the coloured version of the Javelin and another illustration right now. I also have an idea for a comic, but I haven’t started that yet.

Also, there’s a heat wave where I live, so yeah.


(AlbinMatt) #29

@BooryDarthNader said:
Sorry I haven’t posted in a bit, for once I was actually busy with stuff I need to do rather than being lazy.

I’m working on the coloured version of the Javelin and another illustration right now. I also have an idea for a comic, but I haven’t started that yet.

Also, there’s a heat wave where I live, so yeah.


Where do you live if I may ask. Weather has been fluctuating for about 20 degrees for a week where I live.

(Boory Marks) #30

@AlbinMatt I live in San Diego, CA. Right now the weather gets to >100 F in the desert and like 90 F mostly.

(AlbinMatt) #31

@BooryDarthNader said:
@AlbinMatt I live in San Diego, CA. Right now the weather gets to >100 F in the desert and like 90 F mostly.

*Sigh, they got you too?

Alrighty what’s the formula here… 100-32. 5/9 and…

Screw this I’m getting the calculator.

(Boory Marks) #32

@AlbinMatt Damn, you’re right, got too used to retard units

(Your worst knifemare.) #33

Guess ill just sit here in my 60 F

(Boory Marks) #34

Today marks fall break, and with that, I can actually post stuff.

I’ll post later how I wished Phoenix looked in his upcoming obsidian card

For now this:

(Your worst knifemare.) #35

I thought you died…welcome back.

(Boory Marks) #36

God am I late, I may not have finished the Phoenix artwork, but know that I still do not think it looks that great even with the new changes to it. Sorry about that.

I’ve been meaning to make this though, so here

more to come, maybe tomorrow, maybe later 2 in the morning.

(Boory Marks) #37

quick Nader sketch

(Boory Marks) #38

Spoopy profile pic

(Your worst knifemare.) #39

Suprised it isn’t an egg on her head this time.

(Boory Marks) #40

@Lord_Coctus It’s only for the meantime. Egg will be back after the day of pure spoopyness has ended.