Best of Dirty Bomb chat

(Herr_Hanz) #421

i know :stuck_out_tongue: the ‘thats my line’ was also intended funny, but i got too serious after that.

(Shinywindow) #422

(Shinywindow) #423

(Shinywindow) #424

(knightenchanter) #425

(MarsRover) #426


LOL, relevant username xD

(averagerussian) #427

(Shinywindow) #428

Comments from one of my DB videos.

(bontsa) #429

25? I guess watching your “Dirty Bomb Chat” video as a daily ritual is a sad thing after all then.

(Xenithos) #430

I don’t watch that one… snickers but I do watch all of Shiny’s stuff when I see it… :3

(RyePanda) #431

(averagerussian) #432

(MarsRover) #433

(Shinywindow) #434


(Elvisz) #436

i loved this one.

after this i wrote that: “this comment is priceless”
and he replied: “i know. but best i can do is 20 bucks”

(Press E) #437

(blonk) #438

How cryptic


I think it’s batman day today or something?

I don’t know what that means but for some reason it’s HUEG


(Sorotia) #439

My favorites are the invention of new words, for this presentation I give you Mothgerufuckled!

(Press E) #440