Any news about maps ?

(KeMoN) #21

It would be great if SD could organize a community mapping contest. That way they can continue focusing on obliterating bugs and balancing the overall gamestyle, while we the community make some maps. The best 3 maps will be officially reviewed with the right to change anything they want and then will be added to the general map-pool. There are a lot of people here that stood aside SD for years since the release of W:ET. And I’m certain most of us are perfectly happy to jump in and help you guys out. After all it improves the game we’re playing and the best 3 maps will also get a sweet price :wink:
W:ET has over 400 custom maps, is mod-able without boundaries and had its 13th birthday 3 days ago. Rarely any (modern) game makes it to that age and there are experienced community members here to ensure DirtyBomb can make it there as well.


(Nail) #22

the UDK is available, the unit sizes were given years ago, go make maps, you’ll just have to use other textures, afaik, this has been available for quite a while, only one or two partial maps came out of it iirc

(KeMoN) #23

Huh, nice. Didn’t know that.
How does it work though? I mean you can’t simply release the map and server admins will put them on their servers. Does one go ahead and make a full map and after release contact the developers if the map could make it into the general map-pool? I definitely won’t spend a year on a map without knowing that I can actually release it. If the developers block it, the whole development time goes down the drain and I’m 100% certain that this is the reason why there are no community created maps. I could not really find anything official on this matter, could you maybe point me to a UDK release post / mod manual.

Btw if we had community servers where admins could set their own settings and host their own maps this would not be a problem :wink:

(wolfETplayer) #24

Yeah. New maps would be great(or maybe remakes of good old ET maps). I am pretty bored with DB for now. I mean events is good and all but new maps would be even better.

(Szakalot) #25

meh, there has been very little feedback from SD about this. Its hardly surprising the community didn’t respond well when the community doesnt even know what their situation is.

‘go ahead and make maps and maybe something will come out of it’ is not quite the same motivation as ‘go ahead and make maps, and here are some test servers where you can try them out’.

there is a huge amount of map-related stuff that go beyond units and layouts - objectives, secondaries, blown up/constructible elements etc. etc.

I would love to try making a simple map (probably would not find the time to actually finish it, but would love to try), however it would be important to actually be able to plan objectives, or even introduce new objective types (like a doc-carrying from ET, truck instead of EV (or just a fast moving less armored EV model), all kids of new constructible/doors bridges & doors, irradiating areas with generators, etc.

There is a huge potential for variety of maps, esp. after you drop this silly idea that an arcade arena teamshooter has to be situated in london-like areas only.

It looks like the objective part of the game is bit heavy handed though, as indicated by the clumsiness of delivery obj, mounted mg, frustrating c4 plant (you can crouch and then plant, but you can’t start planting and then crouch, and why the FOK can’t we have normal C4 like ET or QW where you could drop it first and arm it independently WHILE BEING ABLE TO MOVE)

so yea, we definitely need at least a few more solid maps before release OR the tools for the community to spam some up. I think SD is really under appreciating the novelty potential of simple arcadey maps with even a single detonate objective and a multilayered main arena.

(rookie1) #26

Dont waste your time doing DB maps ,Alphies though there was going to be a follow up from SD of their works/ideas and …nothing …another page in the DB deceptions agenda was written.
Also like I said once its not the map layout the problem (routes, stairs ,buildings and stuff) its more what you can do in these maps the number one important thing .
Im sure SD could do a map(blockout) in a week or 2 but the objectives are the somethings else ,this need some good Brainstorming .
and for the rest SD arts guys can make you Wow any blockouts :stuck_out_tongue:
And I think SD want more doing their own stuff and be free of any possible legal problems.

(BioSnark) #27

People should make map layouts for a game where there’s little indication they’ll ever be playable anywhere.

(BomBaKlaK) #28

Lot of people already try to make maps for DB in the UDK and they finaly just left DB … actually this is just a waste of time !
SD still got the total control of everything nothing will happen … we can’t even run our own server …
Maybe if SD give us some new maps, but 1 map every 4 years … maybe if we are lucky enough 1 map every 3 years … is clearly not enough … in regard of the actual broken map not even made for the movement system …

(Nail) #29

lol, people keep whining for a SDK, like it would sprout a bunch of maps equal or better than what we have, ever use GTK Radient ? ever build maps for W:ET or QW:ET ??
ask Chris or others who tried, it’s very difficult. Whining for this like it’s the savior is ridiculous

like I said before, maps are one of the least bitched about things on the Steam, Nexon or Warchest forums. Here, it’s a BumBaKrak thing mostly. I see more comments about just about anything else

Maps aren’t DB’s problem, there’s a lot of people who think they’re fine,

there’s 150,000,000 maps for W:ET, 15 are good

(BioSnark) #30

Were I not too lazy to find it, I would be interested in the poll results of what people wanted focused on in the new year.

(Nail) #31

maps are not the problem with DB

(BomBaKlaK) #32

What can I say ? LOL ?

(rookie1) #33

Thanks to the Alphies many Maps problems has been show and fixed …(remember the Narrow street in WC ?and so much more )
For a new players That didnt see all the previous stuff its ok …But for the long time players there is much more to do and fix …and want more maps and its completly normal.If there were no problems with map they wouldnt had hired someone dedictated to fix them :stuck_out_tongue:

(Glottis-3D) #34

DIsagree with Nail.
Maps are the problem.
And people do not like them, imho they just got used to them.
And these are two very different things.

I could not wait to play Dm6 in quake1, i could not wait to play dm6 in quake3, i could not wait to play Area22 or Salvage in Etqw etc etc. Even though i played them every day for some years…

Ppl get used to almost anything, but this doesnt make it Good, or even fine.

(poiuasd) #35

The people who complain about not getting new maps are almost exclusively the people on these forums, which is a tiny minority.
I for one could play Chapel 24/7 if there was a server for that.

(BomBaKlaK) #36

Cause that’s the only interesting map for the moment …

(Glottis-3D) #37

Chapel is a better map of the whole pool.
Because SD did several GOOD changes to it. unlike Terminal, Bridge,Underground <- these three scream for improvements.

(Finko) #38

Agree with Glottis-3D, most of folks just used to maps, but let’s look at maps:
Chapel and Trainyard: probably best maps at this moment, but have some big minuses like last object at chapel and first at trainyard.
Bridge: can be awesome map, but first objective is just not fun, especialy for attakers.
Terminal: only two routes to first objective, and one of them is izi to broke and hard to re-build, not best idea imho, i saw too much spawnrapes on this map, but last objective kinda fun to play, and i like it.
Dome: maybe it’s a good map, but too complicated for me, it’s like maze :smiley:
Underground: worst map in whole game.
Im not an map expert, and all this stuff based on personal feelings, so don’t punch me hard.

(BomBaKlaK) #39

An absolute need !