5 things that should be explained to newbies better

(meat) #21


  • only one person can repair/defuse at the same time (seriously, the amount of players triple-stack-repairing one C4 is hard to watch)[/QUOTE]

This is the one that gets me all the time. It says teammate repairing when they join in and try to repair.
This is when I use Voip, and tell them they aren’t repairing only one person can repair at a time, and that they are a just a big juice useless target waiting to be killed!

(Rex) #22

Here is my list:

  • for a simple revive your defi doesn’t need to charge up 1min
  • Medics open your f**king eyes
  • when an angry ammo-shouting player keeps knifing you constantly, don’t run away
  • stop shooting randomly at the team mates
  • NEVER EVER run in front of team mates to steal kills (I wish FF was on so much)

But why post here? Kinda wasted efforts, the Nexon forum would be more appropriate.

(Destroy666) #23

This is ridiculously annoying. The tutorial map should cover it together with providing a more useful movement tutorial. For example, the sprint command on the bridge is totally useless, you can stand there a whole week and nothing will happen. SD should add some bullets that will kill you if you don’t run or something like that. And other useful options, such as walljumps, aren’t mentioned at all. I’ll probably create a big thread with my observations/suggestions including the tutorial map this weekend.

As for medics - I feel there should be some kind of penalty for constantly running over teammates’ fainted bodies without any reaction whatsoever, especially when not in combat… If we get stupid XP penalties for selfkills, which may be often tactical, then why not for playing selfishly with a merc important for the team?

(Szakalot) #24

As for medics - I feel there should be some kind of penalty for constantly running over teammates’ fainted bodies without any reaction whatsoever, especially when not in combat… If we get stupid XP penalties for selfkills, which may be often tactical, then why not for playing selfishly with a merc important for the team?[/QUOTE]

Naah, this will just make people not play the medic class. People will be clueless, or they play with fov50 or something. the amount of non-teamwork available is amazing for any class, regardless of whether its a medic, recon, fop or assault. its just that it hurts the most when you are laying there IN AGONY

(jazevec) #25

[QUOTE=Rex;530814]Here is my list:

  • NEVER EVER run in front of team mates to steal kills (I wish FF was on so much)

They don’t do it to steal kills, they do it to make you waste your ammo and abilities.

Instead of “teammate repairing”, it should say “teammate repairing, you’re not making it go any faster”. Or, “You’re not helping”. There should be an exception for engineers, if an engineer and non-engineer repair something, only the non-engy should get a discouraging message.

(Glottis-3D) #26

the thing is, that helping anyone to repair EV or generota seems like a logical thing.
it is a big broken mechanism, and everyone can put some effort and skills into repairing it.
i cannot blame new-comers, that they initially think that they help. when they stack on EV

(Destroy666) #27

Perfect. If someone can’t play medic, they should choose another class. Skyhammer is better for selfish fragging and doesn’t piss your teammates off when you let them die on the floor. They can also buy Vassili if they care only about fragging.

But yeah, my suggestion wasn’t actually 100% serious (with a rhetorical question at the end) since that would also mean implementing either penalties for all other classes or a river of tears from rambo medic players. Not getting XP from reviving/healing is already a big penalty for them.

(Szakalot) #28

Nobody is gonna play medic - great!

(Destroy666) #29

That’s an exaggeration, there are even many newbies who play medic correctly. But if others can’t/don’t want to do it - well, they’re more useful to the team as other mercs.

(acQu) #30

Some off the head:


  • jump off walls
  • run faster with a knife
  • long jump


  • basically that they exist
  • some mercs repair faster, some slower
  • blowing stuff


  • every merc has different abilites
  • how to use quick abilities and hud display of it, cooldowns, throw ammo at teammates


  • headshots vs bodyshots (obvious to most ones i think, but you never know :D)
  • Ironsight vs Hipfire

Sure there is much much more to explain in short bursts.

(sunshinefats) #31

[QUOTE=Destroy666;530843]Perfect. If someone can’t play medic, they should choose another class. Skyhammer is better for selfish fragging and doesn’t piss your teammates off when you let them die on the floor.

I don’t care what class they are, if someone runs past me when they could have easily helped me up, I promise you I am calling them every terrible word I can think of (not over the mic or chat of course lol).

(Beermachine) #32

Here’s my list:

  • Drop ammo when you spawn for other teammates to top up before going into battle.
  • When someone is hitting you with a cricket bat after asking for ammo don’t ignore him or worse give yourself some and then run off.
  • NEVER run in front of a Fragger with his arm raised so the cooked nade bounces off your backside to suicide him.
  • When you see an enemy landmine, shoot it, but only when it’s not surrounded by friendlies.
  • And the big one, don’t treat the objective like it’s a $5 hooker with the whole team trying to gangbang it!

(sunshinefats) #33

[QUOTE=Beermachine;530978]Here’s my list:

  • NEVER run in front of a Fragger with his arm raised so the cooked nade bounces off your backside to suicide him.

I can feel the rage bubbling up inside me just thinking about how many times someone dashed in front of me right as I released and this happened.

(jazevec) #34

[QUOTE=sunshinefats;530994]^^ SOOOOOO much THIS!
I can feel the rage bubbling up inside me just thinking about how many times someone dashed in front of me right as I released and this happened.[/QUOTE]

Because hey, FF is off! I’m ivulnerable!