20 hours game time and I am done.

(matsy) #21

It does feel like gaming today is like being treated as a child… I want to play better players to become better.

And I’m not all for this match making. I personally think it takes away something from the game. You’re going to find it harder to become part of a community.

(Glottis-3D) #22

i think that Party-matches should be as flexable as possible.

i am seeing this as an easiest way for friendly matches between clans, who do not have (yet) their own servers (not confirmed yet, that there will be any sort of those servers btw =( )

2 clan leaders add each other at steam. then everyone in both teams is invited to lobby(by team leaders). and some rules are ruled out:
-ability to make it a private session
-format 4v4, 5v5, 6v6,
-map votes (all maps available for a vote, not just 3)
-spec slots for showcasters

(Smooth) #23

Like I have said elsewhere, we will have other methods for you to play with friends as soon as we can get it all implemented, tested and rolled out to you guys.

This is a big priority for us! The game is still Closed Beta, many things are still being developed and lots will change :slight_smile: