100 Days of Brink

(Jimmy James) #21

Opinioned! (See what I did there?)

-JJ <- is tired of these pointless thinly-veiled hater topics. Yawn

(Nexolate) #22

I wouldn’t say these threads are hater topics.
Tbh, I was going to ask what people would change about Brink just the other day but decided not to.


Well, not a hater topic with the exception of some people that is.

(chamber666) #23

at best, my expectation was to play brink until november from the get go…i’m doubtful i’m going to hold out that long. i’ll probably find something else to tide me over until BF3 and skyrim come out.

my pros-
art direction
team oriented concept
art direction!

clusterfark attempts at game/weapon balancing since launch
VERY underwhelming DLC suggests we don’t have much to look forward to
so far patches have taken a 1 step forward 2 steps back approach to fixing tech issues

(FrankieGodskin) #24

You’re seeing hate where there’s none. I worded that first post so there would be no negative connotations towards SD.

Anyway, my three things done right:

[li]The fact that classes and weapons are independent of each other[/li][li]Reaching a new rank truly feels like you’re becoming powerful and changes how the game is played[/li][li]Abilities are useful and important[/li][/ol]Three things I would change:

[li]Having to go to the menu to spend level up credits/change characters/swap weapon parts/change outfits[/li][li]Being forced to play a role I don’t want to–it doesn’t matter if I’ve built my character to be a soldier/medic, I have to change to an operative with no abilities to hack this box[/li][li]Spread, recoil, shallow clips–all the guns feel underpowered[/li][/ol]

(kronus126) #25

Fantastic team based gameplay

Team balance
Team balance
Team balance

(Terminator514) #26

I definitely see myself playing in the future but not as much since games such as BF3 are coming out soon.

Three Things I think SD Did Right:

Unique Art style

Interesting Story (Even though there is not much)

Team focused gameplay

Three Things I think SD Did Wrong:

Lack of marketing

Unpolished game at launch

Lack of communication with the community at crucial points post-launch

(illmeister80) #27


Three Things I think SD Did Wrong:

Lack of marketing

Unpolished game at launch

Lack of communication with the community at crucial points post-launch[/QUOTE]

i don’t know about the lack of marketing bit. i saw so many ad’s for brink. no joke.

(Stormchild) #28


If anything, the marketing oversold the game so that many came to be disappointed in the end.

The marketing itself was on the field but it didn’t match with the game properly.

Paying money to have youngsters jump around to promote SMART “parkour” instead of paying for a beta in a multi FPS is heresy anyway. The money was spent with bad priorities, focussing on the “look” instead of the “core”.

But it’s a common pratcie nowadays, since many people don’t even bother to dig to the core, and are happy with just fancy looks (look at the movie industry… it started a long time ago already, crappy film wrapped with fancy FX).

(light_sh4v0r) #29

Art direction
Advertising (ETQW anyone?)

console feel/controls
no skill involved in firefights
no teamwork involved, just a fake perception of teamplay.

(Crytiqal) #30

Dust 514 beta whennnnnn???

I bought my PS3 for Dust 514, so PLEASE TELL ME :smiley:

(I’m serious)

(ArkRebel) #31

console feel/controls
no skill involved in firefights
no teamwork involved, just a fake perception of teamplay.[/QUOTE]

I don’t think it feels like “console”. I would notice, I hate consoles and for me playing a shooter on a PS/XBOX is a crime :wink: (just a joke)
No skill? Perhaps less than in UT99 or Q3A, but “no” is wrong.
:eek: NO teamwork? Sorry, but are you serious on that? I played “team” in everything from CS & Wolf ET over Battlefield to L4D and so on… and Brink is the best game for real teamplay I’ve seen for years.
Everybody can like or dislike the game, but that’s just completely wrong.

@topic: I will play this game for years, so will my friends. We have waited long for an new good objective-based-game/SD-title, and Brink is wonderful different/special imo…
BF3? Just another battlefield, great graphics and that’s it, who cares? :tongue: